Geisa. For many years, the company Abel Metallsysteme has been doing a lot for people suffering a difficult fate and for charitable organisations. This year the company is donating 1000 euros each to Carlos Klüber and his mum, Susanne, from Schleid, and to the outpatient hospice centre for the Bad Salzungen and Rhön region in place of giving Christmas presents to customers.
“Handing over the Christmas charity donation in person is something very special for me, as I am able to meet two brave people in Carlos and his mum, Susanne, who have overcome their fate in the most admirable way,” says managing director, Klaus Peter Abel, on handing over the donation in Schleid. The company based in Geisa is not giving out presents to customers for Christmas this year and is donating some of this money for Carlos. Susanne Klüber is very grateful for the early Christmas surprise. For over 11 years she has been constantly fighting for the best care, aids and important treatments for Carlos, who fell ill with a herpes infection at two years old. “Carlos was a very happy, bright and smart infant,” says Susanne. “The herpes virus destroyed half of his brain in just a short time, however. The doctors did not offer me much hope back then that Carlos would survive the infection,” the mother goes on to say. After intensive care at the hospital, the little boy went into a rehab facility for a year. There he learnt to move, swallow, sit and eat with help again.
Carlos is now 14 years old, has multiple serious disabilities and epilepsy that is difficult to control.
Carlos will be dependent on care for his whole life due to his physical and mental disability. That is why he needs more therapies and aids, which for him are the best possible support towards a happy life. “I am hugely delighted about the donation from Abel Metallsysteme. I can use it to make therapies possible for Carlos that are not paid for by the health insurance scheme”. For example, Carlos has learnt to sit freely again through a riding therapy.
“I am delighted that we can support a very brave family in our home town and give them a special Christmas present with our Christmas charity donation. We wish Carlos all the best and his mum, Susanne, continued strength and optimism,” says Klaus Peter Abel. The second part of the company’s Christmas charity donation goes to the outpatient hospice centre for the Bad Salzungen and Rhön region. Abel Metallsysteme thereby wants to sponsor the local outpatient hospice and grief work for children and adults and thank all volunteers for their important help for others.